For Development of International Trade
For a Free Consultation on $10,000 Utah Business Grant Call Now 866-609-3248 (Toll-Free)
$10,000 Grant is available for Business in Utah for Development of International Trade. It can be used for design of international online marketing materials and online marketing.
Program Eligibility
- An ‘eligible small business concern’ (ESBC);
- A for-profit business registered in Utah;
- Physically located and operational in Utah at least one year;
- Not barred from federal funds;
- One or more full-time employees;
- Export-ready company seeking to export goods or services of U.S. origin OR have at least 51% U.S. content (click here to learn more);
- Sufficient resources to bear the costs associated with trade;
- Small business in accordance with SBA guidelines and size standards:
https://www.sba.gov/size-standards/ or Electronic Code of Federal Regulations.
The following small businesses are NOT eligible for STEP funding:
- Consulting agencies
- Law firms
- Accounting and financial firms
- Companies, organizations or individuals recruiting foreign direct investment
- Companies engaged in any activity that is illegal under Federal or state law
- Derives more than one-third of its gross annual revenue from legal gambling activities
- Distributors representing clients
- Educational institutions or for-profit schools recruiting students
- Foreign-based companies or more than 49% foreign owned
- Hospitality or tourism operators
- Multi-level marketing (MLM), direct sales or network marketing companies
- Non-profit organizations
- Presents live performances of sexual nature or derives more than a minor amount of revenue from the sale of products or services of a sexual nature
- Real estate developers
For a Free Consultation on the $10,000 Grant for your business, Call Now 866-609-3248 (Toll-Free) , or complete the form below: