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Beautiful websites and internet marketing that boost your business

An incalculable amount of people use the Internet every day, pills searching through a huge amount of websites for all sorts of facts. You can’t convince all of them to pay attention to you or your services, there’s just too many. The trick is to get the attention of the right people, symptoms target the ones who really would be interested in what you have to offer. A great way to do that is through Google AdWords Remarketing.

Remarketing means displaying your ads to those who’ve visited your site before. They’ve left your site to explore other parts of the web but as they research, ads for your website will appear, reminding them you still exist, encouraging them to return for another look. It often takes a few visits to the same website for someone to buy its services, so it’s important to keep reminding them about your brand until they’re ready to buy. You already know they’re interested (they visited your site, after all), so it’s important to keep that interest.

You can use Google Remarketing to narrow the focused even more, targeting a very select group of people. For example, a particular ad could target only people who visit certain pages of your site, people who fit a particular demographic. For example, say you sell electronic devices – the teenager stopping by site’s video game page will respond to different ads than the 40-year-old looking at expensive cellphones. By tagging the video game and cellphone pages differently, you can make sure each demographic is getting a different kind of ad, the right one to encourage that particular kind of person to return. You can also combine Remarketing with other Google programs to make your campaign even more focused.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry! Remarketing is simple to add if you’re already using Google to advertise. Visit the Google Ads site to discover how to set yourself up. If you want to make sure the right people are coming back to your site, give remarketing a shot!


Google Ads. “Remarketing.”

Word Stream. “Google Remarketing.”

PPC Hero. “Ultimate Guide to Adwords Remarketing.”